Inner City Enterprise [ICE], Dublin, funded and supported by Dublin City Council and the Department of Rural and Community Development invite applications for the 2019 Dublin City Social Enterprise Awards.

This year a fund of €50,000 is available to provide a small number of financial awards to Social Enterprises, that are at start-up or in development stage.

The Dublin City Social Enterprise Awards was established in 2015 by Inner City Enterprise (ICE) and Dublin City Council, with the support of the Local Enterprise Office (LEO) Dublin City. Each year since, a fund of between €45,000 and €50,000 has been distributed among some very innovative social enterprises.

Organisations eligible to apply include Companies Limited by Guarantee not having share capital (CLG) and Co-operatives which can demonstrate a clear social benefit. Applications will be considered from Private Companies limited by shares (LTD) if the shares are 100% owned by a registered Irish charity.

For full details about the the eligibility requirements, the evaluation process and to download an application form, visit the Inner City Enterprise website.