It is with great sadness that we heard the news this morning [16th December 2019] that our colleague and friend Joe Reynolds died.

Joe started working in Speedpak Group on a training programme under Community Employment in 2007 and then joined our core staff as a Senior Operative in September 2010.

He was subsequently promoted to Team Leader with key responsibilities in the Speedpak Contract Services operation and mentoring new training staff.

Joe enjoyed his job. He loved the responsibility, being busy and meeting deadlines. Joe was fastidious and demanded very high standards. He went above and beyond what was required, driven by his conscientiousness and real regard for customer service. This also had an impact on the quality of the work experience and training that Speedpak Group was able to provide.

Joe was one of the first people training staff would meet because he was responsible for ensuring people’s health and safety on the floor, which he took very seriously. No one got to use any machinery or equipment without reaching Joe’s very high Q Mark standard!

Joe himself had a very positive attitude to lifelong learning and during the course of his career with us he undertook training in Supervisory Management, Forklift operation, Health & Safety, First Aid and IT.

Joe made a great contribution to this company both commercially and to the lives of the many people who took part in training and work experience. He celebrated the achievements of training staff moving on and getting jobs.

We will miss Joe greatly as a colleague and a friend.