Invest With Us

Investing in, and collaborating with, Speedpak Group enables us, and you, to deliver positive social impact.

Your investment enables us …

to provide quality, innovative, industry-led work experience and training programmes to people in our community who are furthest from the labour market.

to support people in their move from unemployment to having greater independence and to enhance their social and economic contribution locally. 

to help solve the problem of long term unemployment through our collaboration with corporate, government, philanthropic and community organisations.

Graphic outline of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

Investing with us in the form of a grant, a donation, a commercial contract or pro-bono expertise enables us, and you,to deliver on the following UN Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs]:

SDG 4 – Quality Education
SDG 8 – Decent Work & Economic Growth
SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals


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Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

Your investment means we can provide quality, innovative, industry-led work experience and training programmes to people in our community who are furthest from the labour market.

Your investment enables us to continue to access individuals who have become long-term unemployed as a result of

  • a lack of recent work experience
  • no work experience
  • outdated workplace skills
  • a skills deficit
  • a criminal conviction
  • low educational attainment
  • problems associated with literacy
  • problems associated with physical or mental health
  • a combination of all of the above barriers to employment
Your investment enables us to empower trainees

Speedpak Group provides

  1. Work-based skills and competencies focussing on how to perform in the workplace, how to follow standard operating procedures, team-working, taking instruction and quality assurance.
  2. Formal workplace training that is focussed on achieving nationally-certified qualifications and licences required in manufacturing, fulfilment and logistics operations.

This blend of practical, formal and personal learning equips our trainees with timely and relevant interventions that support getting a job, starting a career and moving on to further education

They promote lifelong learning while offering greater choice and financial independence.

Our trainees

  • learn work-based skills in a supportive, inclusive, team-based environment
  • acquire industry led training including IT skills to develop awareness of how technologies influence working and career pathways
  • get to appreciate the value of lifelong learning
    With your backing, we can expand our reach and increase our expertise

    With your backing and our expertise of servicing communities on Dublin’s Northside over 25 years, we can:

    • continue to reach long-term unemployed people through our community networks
    • research the existing and future skills needs of employers for entry-level jobs to ensure what we offer is relevant and matches requirements
    • expand our partnerships with local industry so that we can build a pipeline of external work experience and job opportunities for our trainees
    • pilot work experience and training programme content and methodologies to improve progression outcomes for trainees
    • invest in our commercial operations so that we can remain competitive in the marketplace, improve our profitability and sustainability while offering industry-relevant work experience
    • invest in our training facilities and related resources to ensure we can offer quality opportunities to our trainees
    • expand access to our programmes
    Your investment supports our ambition to end long-term unemployment.

    We trade commercially to transform the lives of long term people through commercial work experience, industry led training and employment. We support people move from unemployment to employment so that they can have greater financial independence and sustainability, greater choice in their lives and careers and enhance their social and economic contribution locally.

    We support long-term unemployed people to establish or re-establish the routine of work and in acquiring workplace skills and competencies through industry-led training.

    We provide work experience in a real commercial environment where we highlight – with mentoring and training – the benefits of working smart and working productively, of achieving set production targets, meeting quality standards, following the principles of good manufacturing practice while also complying to health and safety standards in the workplace.

    Speedpak Group offers a supportive structure. We provide our core staff and trainees with a fair, respectful and supportive workplace. We ensure all are given a voice and are listened to. We endeavour to make all necessary resources available. We have great insights into our trainees needs and the supports they require because many of our Core staff were also trainees at one time.

    Our HR function includes specialist Occupational Psychology expertise to support people on their journey through work experience and training to securing employment.

      Speedpak Group offers a professional training ground for trainees to experience the world of work.

      We are a successful commercial business servicing markets for over 25 years that also offers a professional, real training ground to experience the world of work. Our commercial businesses also perform as the curriculum for people to acquire the necessary work and personal and technical skills required in a manufacturing, e-fulfilment and logistic business.

      Your support helps us achieve Goal 8 by enabling our trainees to progress to the labour market or further training, upskilled and confident compete for well-paying, in-demand jobs, today and into the future achieve economic independence and greater control in their lives access the jobs market on a ‘level playing-field’ compete for well-paying, in-demand jobs, today and into the future

        Your investment provides the resources we need to solve the problem of long-term unemployment through our collaboration with corporate, government, philanthropic and community sector organisations.

        We collaborate on projects and programmes that also support our partners achievie their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ambitions.

        By forging partnerships with industry we build industry led training and work experience programmes that are timely and relevant to our industry partners who are also seeking a strong and reliable pipeline of skilled workers

        In partnering with government and state agencies to deliver labour market employment programmes – like Community Employment and TUS – we also provide significant added value by securing additional investment from these collaborations. Combined, these resources improve the outcomes of those furthest from the labour market to secure employment than would otherwise be the case. .

        We offer philanthropic organisations an attractive proposition to match donors and their investment with our social impact.

        Central to this is the strong connections we have in our community, forged over 25 years, with those organisations that reach the long term unemployed talent we are here to serve through our Social Enterprise business.

        Our business model is built on collaboration.

        We are the embodiment of collaboration
        Collaboration is part of our DNA from our very foundation.
        Collaboration improves our social impact

        Making a social investment with us in the form of a grant, donation, commercial contract and/or pro-bono expertise delivers on the objective of SDG Goal 17 directly. It also supports Speedpak deliver on SDG Goal 4 Quality Education and SDG Goal 8 Decent Work & Economic Growth through our commercial work experience and industry led training model.

        Get in touch!