Senan Cooke’s The Enterprising Community: A Bottom-up Perspective on the Capacity of Communities to Regenerate is an extensive and accessible source of practical information for anyone wishing to assess, develop and leverage the social and economic potential of their community.
It features:
- an outline of the types of community development projects including volunteering, asset-based community development, social innovation and social enterprise projects
- a directory of resources and recommendations for enterprising communities wishing to research or establish such a project
- the history and context of communities and community development in Ireland
- 21 case studies on social and economic innovation and regeneration in communities throughout Ireland
- an audit template for assessing assets and enterprise opportunities within a community that will assist in the creation of 10 jobs
The Enterprising Community provides a valuable roadmap for informing, inspiring and empowering any social enterprise or community project and can be ordered from Senan’s website at